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Veritatis Splendor

"Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus, who inspires and perfects our faith" --Hebrews 12:2

Pope Benedict XVI before our Lord

And only where God is seen does life truly begin. Only when we meet the living God in Christ do we know what life is. We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution.
Each of us is the result of a thought of God.
Each of us is willed,
each of us is loved,
each of us is necessary.
There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, by the encounter with Christ. There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to speak to others of our friendship with Him.
~Pope Benedict XVI, Homily April 24th, 2005

Friday, August 05, 2005

Great new blog find for the liturgically-inclined!

Check out this great new blog I discovered! Perfect for those seeking dialogue about authentic Catholic liturgical revival and renewal (because seriously folks, if you need your religion to be "entertaining" to attract the congregation, you will lose against the real entertainers every time).

The New Liturgical Movement: The Epoch of Red Ink

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Praised by Jesus - Susan Torres gives birth!

A while ago I noted on here the story of Susan Torres and her family, a situation completely opposed to the dreadful case of Terri Schiavo. In this case, Susan, who was brain-dead without contest, but who also happened to be pregnant, was loved enough by her family to try to keep her alive long enough to give her child a chance at life. For three months she has been on life support, while her husband and her family prayed for her body to hang on long enough to grant life to the child. I can't help but think that Susan, if brain death is indeed death, was also praying mightily for her daughter!

Today, Susan Anne Catherine Torres was welcomed into the world by her father and her brother, 2-year-old Peter!

Can't get much different from Michael Schiavo now can we? Here we have a loving husband who quit his job just to stay by the side of his brain-dead pregnant wife, to do everything in his power to keep her and his daughter alive. God bless him and his family, and may God grant eternal rest to Susan, if He has now called her completely home to Himself.

Brain-Dead Va. Woman Gives Birth

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A gentle reminder

I couldn't agree more with this article by our good friend Clayton over at the Weight of Glory blog - For Everything There is a Season

Pray for our Pope, our Archbishops, and our pastors - and today, take the time (the most precious thing you possess!) to encourage a priest in your life, thank them for their ongoing decision to answer God's call to service, and tell them that you are praying for them. Even if you just jot down a note, or write an e-mail, or call and leave a voice mail for them - do it. I challange you all - pick a priest, right now, and do it.

As a side note, I will likely not posting much to this blog again for awhile. I am moving out of the country in less than a week and I have many things to prepare for - watch my other blog, Roamin' Roman, to see what's going on! God bless all of you, you are all in my prayers!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Not going to WYD? Pray with us - Adoration for WYD!

For everyone who is not going with us to WYD, but would like to join with us in prayer for the spiritual success of the pilgrimage, and the opening of hearts towards the calling of the Holy Spirit, consider signing up to spend one hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament - at the chapel of your choice! The goal is to get enough people to commit to Adoration time so that there will be Perpetual Prayer for WYD!

Check it out - Cathedral of Saint Paul - WYD Adoration

Fra Angelico's Annunciation