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Veritatis Splendor

"Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus, who inspires and perfects our faith" --Hebrews 12:2

Pope Benedict XVI before our Lord

And only where God is seen does life truly begin. Only when we meet the living God in Christ do we know what life is. We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution.
Each of us is the result of a thought of God.
Each of us is willed,
each of us is loved,
each of us is necessary.
There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, by the encounter with Christ. There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to speak to others of our friendship with Him.
~Pope Benedict XVI, Homily April 24th, 2005

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Statement by Archbishop Harry Flynn on Terri's Death

Archbishop Harry Flynn and the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis released this statement earlier today:

Statement by Archbishop Harry Flynn on the Death of Terri Schiavo

March 31, 2005, St. Paul. The people of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis wish today to express our condolences to the family of Terri Schiavo and assure them of our prayers in this time of grief. Jesus Christ took all human suffering upon Himself and gave it meaning through His death and resurrection. As Terri's sufferings joined her in an intimate and mysterious way to the Passion of Christ, so we pray that she will now share in His glorious resurrection that we celebrate in this Easter season.

Terri's life gave the entire world an opportunity to reflect upon the preciousness of each human person and our duty to care for one another, especially the most vulnerable. Her death now strengthens our resolve to create a society in which the sanctity and dignity of human life is always respected. It also gives us an opportunity to renew our faith in the eternal destiny held in store for each one of us.

We can only hope that this tragic situation will inspire all people of good will to help build a "culture of life." May our merciful God grant eternal rest to Terri and consolation to her family.

A memorial service is being planned for Monday evening at 7:00pm in the Cathedral of Saint Paul.

The Respect Life office of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis is also planning a workshop on "end of life" issues from the Catholic perspective in the near future.

More details on both events will be made available on the Archdiocese website: www.archspm.org

And now the Pope...

What times are we living in...? I am not a conspiracy theorist, but the conjuction of events that is going on is starting to raise even my eyebrows...

There are vague reports that the Holy Father's condition is also worsening, we need to keep praying for him, pray for Terri's intercession, if she is in heaven as many of us assume.

FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Report: Pope's Condition Worsens<

Br. Hilary & Terri's mom

Br. Hilary McGee of the Franciscan Brothers of Peace leads Mary Schindler, Terri's mother, into the hospice to see Terri's body.

"Her face was shrunken..."

From Catholic News Agency:

Terri dies in Florida, “family’s faith remains strong” Fr. Pavone says

PINELLAS PARK, Fla. Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman that became the center of a bitter right to life battle, died Thursday morning, 13 days after a court halted her tube feeding, a spokesman for her parents informed today.

She died hours after her parents endured their last legal setback when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to intervene.

The Supreme Court’s ruling Wednesday night came as Terri Schiavo, 41, began her 13th day without food and water. Earlier in the day, a federal appeals court also refused to intervene in the case.

Few minutes before Terri was pronounced dead, her brother, Bobby Schindler, described her saying that "It's not a pretty sight, I can tell you that."

The Rev. Frank Pavone, President of Priests for Life, who accompanied him, said Terri Schiavo's face was shrunken and her eyes were oscillating from side to side.

Fr. Pavone and Bobby where allowed until 10 minutes before she died, but were ordered out of the room by the legal guardian, Michael Schiavo.

Regarding Terri's family, Fr. Pavone stated that "their faith in God remains consistent and strong, they are absolutely convinced that God loves Terri more than they do."

Fr. Pavone also said "all the prayers of the Church were offered for her. She felt the solidarity of all of you, all those prayers, all that sacrifice were conveyed to her by caresses to her ears."

He strongly criticized Michael's "heartless cruelty," for not allowing her immediate family to spend the last minutes with her.

"What we grieve here is not a dead, this is a killing, we grief that our nation has allowed such an atrocity," Fr. Pavone concluded.

Terri's death - announced by Relevant Radio

I just got word over e-mail (I am currently in class) that Relevant Radio has announced the death of Terri Schindler-Schiavo... Networks still have not announced it. God bless her, may she rest in peace with Him forever!

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known, that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O virgin of virgins, my mother. To thee do I come, before thee do I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy, hear and answer me. Amen.

Hospice Adoration photos

(From Spiritdaily.com)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Bishop Lynch explains why he doesn't allow perpetual Adoration in his diocese

It has been widely discussed of late through many sources that Bishop Lynch, of the St. Petersburg diocese (where Terri Schiavo lies waiting for death currently), does not alllow any Perpetual Adoration to take place in his diocese. It is not that he has outright outlawed in, it is that he has refused TO allow it when it has been requested of him. This has been going on since a statement entitled "Concerning Eucharistic Adoration, Exposition & Benediction" released June 1, 2000.

It is well worth a read, it is both sad and amusing. It quickly makes one realize why St. Petersburg has almost no vocations. Pray for this bishop.

Here it is in a nutshell:

Eucharistic reservation and adoration as we know it today began in the thirteenth century. At this time, participation in communion by the laity was primarily “visual,” that is, seeing the elevated host was the high point of the Mass. They rarely received communion. Among the reasons for this was a general feeling of unworthiness, the use of a language (Latin) that was foreign to them, a failure to appreciate the Eucharist as a shared meal, the assuming of the laity’s roles by the clergy, and a lost connection to the Church’s roots.

I love that, once again the arbitrary determination is that, while the earliest Christians were "pure," those darn medievalists were, well, "medieval." No references are given for these accusations against the intelligence, piety, and faith of Christians who happened to be born in the era of Sts. Francis and Dominic. Buffoons, all of them, apparently. But, somehow the EARLY Christians, now they knew what they were doing, we just need to go back to them to find the truth of the matter!

...Important as private prayer is, it should always lead the individual back to the Lord who is present in the celebration of the Eucharist and in the midst of his people. Christ present in the Eucharist presupposes his presence in the assembly gathered for common prayer, his presence in the word, his presence in the minister, and his presence in the sharing of the eucharistic bread and cup. Therefore, private devotion and adoration of the reserved Blessed Sacrament should lead the faithful to a fuller appreciation of the communal dimension of the Mass.

I love that. No matter how many Church documents carefully enumerate the absolute difference between Christ's presence throughout Creation and His Real Presence, both in time and space, in the Eucharist -- people like these liturginazis insist on making the people as much God as God's gift of the Eucharist is God! Maybe they think it makes up for only men being able to be priests.

HCWEOM permits and encourages that the solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament take place in churches or oratories where the Eucharist is regularly reserved. There are two allowances for such expositions described below [annual extended period of Exposition and scheduled brief periods of Exposition] ...The solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for an extended period (one or more days) should take place “once a year” (HCWEOM, no. 86).

It is interesting to note that the very next section in the document they are trying to quote, Holy Communion and Eucharistic Worship Outside of Mass, says: "For any serious and general need, the local Ordinary is empowered to order prayer before the blessed sacrament exposed for a more extended period of time in those churches to which the faithful come in large numbers." (#87).

The section following it discusses that it is only permissible to replace the blessed Sacrament into the tabernacle from exposition twice a day (suggesting midday and at night) where there are periods of insufficient worshippers, thus also implying the possibility of a perpetual-type arrangement of Adoration in a parish setting.

But of course, who needs to know the context of the documentation? Shouldn't we be able to trust the bishop's statements?

...The issue of “perpetual” exposition (i.e., 365 days, 24 hours a day) of the Eucharist is being advocated by some within the Church... The general understanding of the Church is that this type of exposition is not to be the normal and continuous pattern in the parish. Parishes seeking dispensation from this rule must petition the Bishop and show good reason for its need. They also will need to show that they have attended to the primary form of Eucharistic activity—Sunday Eucharist.

Sorry, but if the "some within the Church" who are advocating perpetual Adoration are the Holy Father, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and most of the other bishops and cardinals in Rome and throughout the world, then I'll stick with the "some" who are advocating it, thank you very much... If it's good enough for St. Peter's basilica, it's certainly good enough for the little backwater diocese of "St. Peter's City" don't you think?

Although exposition of the Blessed Sacrament may help foster devotion to Christ’s presence in the Eucharist, a parish’s first priority is well-planned and well-celebrated Masses. Parishes seeking to inaugurate or restore eucharistic devotions should reflect on their practices during the communion rite and their commitment of time and money (stewardship) to social services. Are they as respectful and reverent toward Christ’s presence in the gathered Body, the Church, as they are to the presence of Christ in the Sacrament? Is the fuller expression of the Eucharist under the forms of bread and wine being offered to the faithful at all Masses? Does the eucharistic bread look like bread? Does the parish carefully prepare enough communion for the gathered assembly instead of routinely going to the tabernacle? Does the eucharistic procession take its own time or is the focus to try to get through the communion rite as efficiently and expediently as possible? Do the eucharistic ministers reflect the parish, i.e., inclusive of age, ethnicity, and gender? Have the eucharistic ministers been properly trained and is their formation ongoing? Is the Eucharist being brought to members of the parish who cannot gather on Sunday because of sickness or advanced age? When these issues have been addressed, then the deeper understanding of communion that Christ intended in the Eucharist will be achieved

The whole point of the special sacredness of the Blessed Sacrament is that it IS supposed to be treated with a different level of reverence AT ALL TIMES than we are to treat other humans. Other humans are not God, they are creatures of God (and even children of God) but they are NOT GOD.

The bishop does realize, I hope, that in the early Church it was frequently the case that the faithful did not receive either the Body or the Blood at a typical Mass. Funny how he only wants to go back to the "early Church" when he sees it as being helpful to furthering his own idea of what is "proper."

"Look like bread" ?? Let me guess, he wants us to go back to loaves and fishes. It is true that ideally there should be Communion distributed that was consecrated at that Mass. But I question his motives for this... I wish he would explain a bit more instead of arbitrarily posing these questions as blatant challenges.

I wonder if the bishop ever considered the fact that his "religion" of social justice is presupposed by the fact that the people love God and want to serve and obey Him first? And then listen to His command to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless? How can people love who they do not know? It seems that the bishop's biggest gripe with Adoration is that it is distracting the people from their real mission of social justice. How odd then that this same bishop seems to care very little about the truly poor, the unborn and the Terri Schiavos of his diocese.

Complete statement: Concerning Eucharistic Adoration, Exposition & Benediction

Will Goodman - Adoration going on outside the hospice!

A friend of mine, Will Goodman, is currently down in Florida witnessing to life outside Terri's hospice. He just was talking to Drew Mariani on Relevant Radio tonight, and reported that there was, at that time, Eucharistic Adoration going on outside of Terri's hospice!! Three priests earlier celebrated a Mass outside the hospice, and ended Mass with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

Wow. Powerful stuff, but I've gotta wonder... word on the street has been that Bishop Lynch of St. Petersburg diocese has forbidden all Eucharistic Adoration in his diocese -- wonder what he's going to think of this one!

Also, according to Will there are now a good number of pro-life witnesses present down in Florida, I believe he said about a hundred. Good news, considering a week ago there were almost as many pro-death people there as pro-life people.

At the same time, I have sad news as well. I also spoke with Brother Anthony today, Terri's parents believe she will die either today or tomorrow, and are already making preliminary plans to have a memorial service (since there will be no access to the body) on Saturday.

Br. Anthony suggested that they look into having a memorial service at the National Shrine, the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C., attended by prelates from across the country, if not the world. Personally, while there is always hope while there is life, I like this idea a lot, and would suggest that we help in this endeavor by contacting the National Shrine to encourage them to offer the use of the church for such a service.


Florida's courts fail again

Something is seriously wrong with Florida's court system -- now a husband and wife are found murdered by their 5-year-old daughter. The suspect, who later apparently killed himself, thought that the couple had turned him in for drug charges.

Get this -- the couple had feared this, and had gone to the courts to get an injunction to keep him away from the family, but the judge denied their request -- not enough evidence to support their fears.

Reminds me of Judge Greer's history of refusing to give a woman who feared a former boyfriend a restraining order against him, and then she was killed by him a week later.

Florida's courts just don't understand that the law exists to serve life, life does not exist to serve the law. Law does not trump life.

Read the current appalling incident over at FOX News - Girl Calls 911 After Parents Killed

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Need a rosary? Help me fundraise to go on pilgrimage!

Buy a rosary -- help fundraise a pilgrimage this summer!! The plan is to go on Eucharistic Pilgrimage through Italy with a bunch of other young adults on the way to World Youth Day this summer.

I am making knotted cord/twine rosaries to try to fundraise a bit for the trip, and can make them in multiple colors, and multiple sizes (1-decade, 5-decade, 15 or 20-decade), and with multiple kinds of medals.

Prices: $3.00/1-decade pocket rosary; $5.00/5-decade standard rosary; $15.00/15 or 20-decade full rosary. S&H $1.50 for the first rosary, 50 cents for each additional rosary.

E-mail me at megibson@usfamily.net for more information!!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Terri - Holy Communion at 2pm Easter Sunday

The latest from Br. Anthony, who I saw this evening at the Easter Vigil Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul in St. Paul MN... he just sent me the following e-mail:


Good seeing you at the Vigil tonite.

Just to reassure your readers, Terri has received the full gamut of sacramental rites this past week at the hands of Msgr. Malenowski. She is in the best shape spiritually. A drop of the Precious Blood has been graciously allowed by G. Felos' law firm to be administered tomorrow (Sun) at 2:00 p.m. Fl time. Such benevolence!

Holy Terri, please pray for us!

-Your brother in CHrist,

Also, Br. Anthony told me before the Mass that Terri was going into kidney failure, and was fading quickly.... his eyes starting brimming with tears, and so mine started too, and I had to leave and go back to my pew (I was in the front taking photos of the liturgy for the Cathedral and our catechuman) before I started really crying...

Keep praying folks, but be reassured in Terri's spiritual state!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Good Friday, Solemn Service of the Cross

Br. Anthony of the Franciscan Brothers of Peace venerates the cross at the Cathedral of St. Paul.

"They speak volumes by not speaking at all"

Neil Cavuto's latest column is a nice comparison of Terri and our Holy Father -- and the power of each to touch our lives without saying anything at all. I do not know whether Neil is religious, it is unclear in this message, but it is very clear that he has deep respect for these two icons of what Christianity looks like, the dignity of life, and at the same time, the acceptance of redemptive suffering.

It is the oddest of confluences: a woman whose real intentions we cannot know and a pope whose own frailties we cannot miss. Both seem so vulnerable. Yet both seem so strong.

Neither would like being called a poster child for any cause. Terri for the right to live or die and the pope for the right to judge a man not by how he looks but what he is.

...They speak volumes by not speaking at all: The pope over the right of a woman who cannot speak for herself and the woman for those who someday might not be able to speak for themselves.

...Both are the stuff of world headlines — at the same time, in the same season. When Christians the world over look for inspiration above and realize in these two individuals they have already found it, here.

Full text at: FOXNews.com - Your World w/ Neil Cavuto - Common Sense - Messages of Hope

Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday -- The Day of Our Redemption

In Greek and Latin, the two international languages of the time, and in Hebrew, the language of the Chosen People, a sign stood above the Cross of Jesus, indicating who he was: the King of the Jews, the promised Son of David. Pilate, the unjust judge, became a prophet despite himself. The kingship of Jesus was proclaimed before all the world. Jesus himself had not accepted the title “Messiah”, because it would have suggested a mistaken, human idea of power and deliverance. Yet now the title can remain publicly displayed above the Crucified Christ. He is indeed the king of the world. Now he is truly “lifted up”. In sinking to the depths he rose to the heights. Now he has radically fulfilled the commandment of love, he has completed the offering of himself, and in this way he is now the revelation of the true God, the God who is love. Now we know who God is. Now we know what true kingship is. Jesus prays Psalm 22, which begins with the words: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Ps 22:2). He takes to himself the whole suffering people of Israel, all of suffering humanity, the drama of God’s darkness, and he makes God present in the very place where he seems definitively vanquished and absent. The Cross of Jesus is a cosmic event. The world is darkened, when the Son of God is given up to death. The earth trembles. And on the Cross, the Church of the Gentiles is born. The Roman centurion understands this, and acknowledges Jesus as the Son of God. From the Cross he triumphs – ever anew.
~Way of the Cross, Colosseum, Rome, 2005
Meditations by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Go to complete Via Crucis Meditations for 2005

Avoid Getting "Greer-ed"

(In MN anyway...)

MN Health Care Directive form

Hat-tip to Chris L.

Gilbert High School students protest Good Friday classes

Well, considering that the school district allows kids to be excused from school for religious holidays, perhaps this wasn't absolutely necessary... but still, it made people take notice! Not bad for some high school juniors. :)

One of the organizers, Tyler Miller, carried a sign that said "He took the time, why can't we?"

"Some kids think it's just a Catholic holiday but it's everybody's holiday who believes that Jesus died for their sins," said Miller, who attends East Valley Bible Church in Gilbert.

Gilbert High School students protest Good Friday classes

Chocolate Crosses??

And now for something completely different... a new controversy!! Should we be eating crosses??

(Honestly, I don't know what I think about this one, I can see the point that it is demeaning a holy symbol.. But at the same time, I don't know, I've seen cross shaped cakes and such before.)

Weird Headlines - Chocolate Crosses Are Latest Easter Treat

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Supreme Court Won't Hear Schiavo Case

The ONLY option left is for Gov. Bush and the Florida DCF to TAKE TERRI INTO CUSTODY!! There is nothing left.

Contact Gov. Jeb Bush IMMEDIATELY at Jeb.Bush@myflorida.com or 850-448-4441 and also contact the Florida DCF at

Contact info for DCF
Lucy D. Hadi, Secretary 1317 Winewood Blvd.
Building 1, Room 202
Tallahassee, Florida
32399-0700 Phone: (850) 487-1111
E-mail dcf-osc@dcf.state.fl.us

Supreme Court Won't Hear Schiavo Case
By HOPE YEN, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Thursday refused to order Terri Schiavo's feeding tube reinserted, rejecting a desperate appeal by her parents to keep their severely brain-damaged daughter alive.

The decision, announced in a terse one-page order, marked the end of a dramatic and disheartening four-day dash through the federal court system by Bob and Mary Schindler.

Justices did not explain their decision, which was at least the fifth time they have declined to get involved in the Schiavo case.

Yahoo! News - Supreme Court Won't Hear Schiavo Case: "Supreme Court Won't Hear Schiavo Case "

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Does Terri have hydrocephalus??

An interesting new twist in Terri's medical status, thanks to an observant medico -- he sees that from the only CT Terri has had, there are marked signs of what could be a case of hydrocephalus, a condition that has a high likelihood of improving with PROPER medical care.

What is hydrocephalus you ask? Basically, it is "water on the brain," a condition that happens when liquid, whether blood or spinal fluid, "backs up" inside the cranial cavity. This places pressure on the brain tissue, compressing it, and causing mental deficencies -- in fact, symptoms like Terri's. While irreversible damage can be done with hydrocephpalus, particularly when not treated promptly (as Terri's surely has not been, if she does indeed have this condition), patients with it do typically improve cognition and mental function markedly when the problem fluid is allowed to drain or is removed.

This is hopeful, because if Gov. Bush and the DCF can take Terri into custody, get her strength back, and properly treat her -- she may look like a new woman in weeks, still severely disabled perhaps, but with therapy as well, she may begin to be able to function beyond a year-old's capabilities.


Shocking video interview with Terri's former nurse

Wow... You have to watch this. It is an interview that was done on FOX News (looked like the morning show newsanchors but I'm not sure). Jackson's Junction has once again archived a great video clip for posterity -- Michael's legacy will never be forgotten, no matter what happens to Terri.

Jackson's Junction: Carla Sauer: "I want the public to know the truth"

"To Protect and to Serve" ... who?

Caption: Gabriel Keys (foreground) is arrested by police officers for trespassing in Pinellas Park, Florida, March 23, 2005. The young protester attempted to take a glass of water into the Woodside Hospice for the brain-damaged Terri Schiavo. A federal judge rejected a request from the parents of Schiavo to order her feeding tube reinserted, dealing a blow to attempts by the U.S. Congress and the White House to prolong her life. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Who is being "protected and served" in the Terri Schiavo case? Tell me! Who!

(Hat Tip to Lukester B)

11th Hour Coalition Calls Upon Bush to Save Schiavo's Life

Catholic Answers Forums - URGENT! "Coalition Calls Upon Bush to Save Schiavo's Life by Using Police Powers"

Contact: Joe Giganti, 703-928-9695, Joe@VeritasMediaGroup.com

WASHINGTON, March 23 /Christian Wire Service/ -- The 11th Hour Coalition to Save Terri Schiavo's Life will hold simultaneous press conferences -- Wednesday, March 23 -- at 12 noon in Washington, D.C., and Tallahassee, Fla.

This ad hoc partnership of religious and political organizations -- which will gather in front of the White House and the Florida governor's mansion -- will call on President George W. Bush and Gov. Jeb Bush to use their executive powers to protect Terri Schiavo from starvation.

"There are two people in the United States who can save Terri Schiavo's life right now. The president of the United States and the governor of Florida have the authority to use the police services at their disposal to take Terri into protective custody, restore her food and hydration, and arrest anyone who would interfere," said Dr. Paul Schenck, executive director of the National Pro-Life Action Center on Capitol Hill. "For the sake of Terri's life, we cannot afford to wait while the courts dither over jurisdiction."

Details of Tallahassee Press Conference---

What: 11th Hour Coalition to Save Terri Schiavo's Life Press Conference
Where: Florida Governor's Mansion, 700 N. Adams
When: 12:00 p.m. E.T.
Map to Florida Governor's Mansion

Details of Washington DC Press Conference---

What: 11th Hour Coalition to Save Terri Schiavo's Life Press Conference
Where: Near the White House; North side of Pennsylvania Avenue; Opposite the White House gates.
When: 12:00 p.m. E.T.


-- Dr. Paul Schenck, National Pro-Life Action Center on Capitol Hill
-- Stephen G. Peroutka, Esq., Face the Truth TV & Radio
-- Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, Human Life International
-- Michael A. Peroutka, Esq., Institute on the Constitution
-- Rev. Greg Cox, Faith and Action
-- Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life
-- Rev. Stephen Cox, Gospel of Life Ministries
-- Rev. John Vandenberge, National Clergy Council

1,500 attend vigil in St. Paul for Terri Schiavo

The Prayer Vigil for Terri held at the Cathedral of St. Paul Tuesday night, with only three days planning and two days notice to the Christian and pro-life networks (radio and e-mail), was attended by over a 1000 people!! Archbishop Harry Flynn led the vigil, with testimony by Franciscan Brother of Peace Conrad Richardson.

Br. Conrad speaks at the Cathedral's Prayer Vigil

From the Star Tribune (and, for the record, it was NOT a Mass, it was basically a Liturgy of the Word prefaced by a talk by Br. Conrad and the chanting of the Divine Mercy chaplet):

A night of prayer for Terri Schiavo drew about 1,500 people to the Cathedral of St. Paul on Tuesday night, hours after a federal judge refused to order that the Florida woman's feeding tube be reinserted.

The mass, which lasted about an hour, was followed by private meditation for some of the people who prayed for the overthrow of what Archbishop Harry Flynn called "the Roe versus Wade of the euthanasia movement."

"If Terri is allowed to starve to death by the order of the courts, it will open the floodgates to court-ordered euthanasia for other severely disabled and nonproductive persons," he said.

The mass was organized by the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, an order that has grown close to Schiavo's parents.

Three members of the order, the smallest within the Archdioese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, were in Florida on Tuesday with Schiavo's parents and siblings, according to Brother Conrad Richardson.

He delivered a personal message from Schiavo's mother to the worshipers at the cathedral:

"Words cannot express our gratitude for the many good people who are helping us fight to save our daughter," Mary Schindler wrote in the message. "God bless you."

The night was yet more evidence that the Schiavo court case has resonated deeply within the Catholic Church and its teachings on the sanctity of human life. Flynn, delivering the homily during Tuesday night's mass, compared two newspaper stories that he saw in Sunday's Miami Herald: One, on the front page, was about Schiavo. The other chronicled the court case of a man who stands accused of starving his animals to death after running out of money to feed them.

"Certainly I would be against such cruelty, but at the same time I would be against, in a very strong, strong way against the cruelty of starving a sister to death and depriving her of water," he said.

Schiavo, 41, is Catholic, according to her parents and siblings.

Flynn also quoted a statement from Pope John Paul on disability: "A person, even if seriously sick, or prevented from the exercise of a higher purpose, is and will always be, a person. He will never be a vegetable or an animal," Flynn said.

Schiavo's husband, Michael, has argued through his lawyer that his wife would not want to live in her current condition. U.S. Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn., was among those who attended the mass.

Catholic Parents Online, a conservative Catholic lay group based in St. Paul that urge attendance at the mass, also sent a plea Tuesday for people to call and e-mail the White House on Terri Schiavo's behalf. "The line was busy a few times, but please persist!" the e-mail implored.

Source: 1,500 attend vigil in St. Paul for Terri Schiavo

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

With God & Italy for us, who cares if Europe is against us?

A large number of America is outraged at the injustice against Terri Schiavo... and Europe is, shall we say, bemused. They just don't get America's people (particularly the millions of "ignorant idiots" who voted Bush back into office). The continental divide between America and Europe is becoming wider, as one reporter said:

"The Terri Schiavo case shows just how emphatically the U.S. and Europe are moving on different paths on the "right-to-life" or in this case, the right to die," said Bronwen Maddox in The Times, adding:

"Euthanasia, abortion, stem cell research and, above all, the death penalty mark out a transatlantic gulf which is far more clear-cut than even on Iraq."

The moral compass of the European continent (apart from perhaps Italy, where the people may not make it to Church every Sunday, but they still live in a culture steeped with the importance of life and love, and the Vatican is still at their doorstep) has gone askew, where to many Europeans, "Epicurian" is perhaps a better way to describe them -- for them, life is only worth living if it is a "good" life, and if you are not a "bother" to someone else. As another reporter put it, to Europeans, "The idea that all life should be maintained whenever possible is impractical and repellent."

And thus continues modern Europe's slide in oblivion.

Read the article at World News Article | Reuters.co.uk

Fresh fears over the Pope's health

Good Friday appraoches... what does God have in store for us this year? You have to wonder...

Viva Papa!

ROME - Pope John Paul II has had fresh breathing problems and his health is worsening, Italy’s newspapers reported on Tuesday, overshadowing the Roman Catholic Church’s preparations for Easter Holy Week.

...The left-wing daily La Repubblica said the pope had a “day of difficulty” on Monday. He had difficulty breathing and his medical team at the Vatican had to intervene to clear the tube into his neck, it said.

Unidentified doctors in John Paul II’s medical team were quoted by Corriere della Sera as saying there was no worsening of the pope’s condition, but that his convalescence was still far from over.

Article at: Khaleej Times Online

ACLU praises decision of judge to refuse reinsertion of feeding tube

Why am I not surprised?

"Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, praised the ruling: 'What this judge did is protect the freedom of people to make their own end-of-life decisions without the intrusion of politicians.'"

AP News article

Bp. of Orlando: "I Thirst"

So where's Terri's own bishop on this matter? I think we should start a campaign to publicly "lynch" Bishop Lynch...

Catholic Answers Forums - Bp. of Orlando: I Thirst

"I will not tell you when, how or how long it will take"

If Terri dies because of this judge's stalling and delays, those words will be etched on his tombstone.


Can an ex-husband dictate the legal death of an ex-wife?

FOXNews.com - The Big Story w/ John Gibson - My Word - The Schiavo's Marriage Is Clearly a Sham

So this whole thing turns on whether Michael and Terri Schiavo are really married and the fact that the Florida courts continue to recognize a marriage that exists only for the purpose of killing her. Surely the Florida courts cannot be that dumb. And, if they are, then surely somebody else ought to get involved — perhaps even Congress and the president.

I don't think this is so hard. If you recognize reality you will see that as of Friday, when Michael Schiavo ordered the feeding tube removed, they weren't really married. They haven't been since he took the other "wife" and had two kids.

Are the Florida courts saying an ex-husband gets to decide when an ex-wife dies? If so, there is going to be a very long line at the court's front door.

That's My Word.

Judge denies reinsertion of feeding tube

Growl... Pray hard, she has been without food and water for many many long hours... There will be a meeting with the State Attorney in Clearwater Florida, Bernie McCabe, at 10am EST today... pray that good may come from it.

Also, there is still a chance that lesislation before the Florida state House/Senate could be passed to help Terri -- please contact the senators listed below ASAP.

Remeber -- Prayer Vigil tonight at 7pm at the Cathedral in St. Paul with Archbishop Flynn!!

May the Lord, the Sustainer of Life, give her strength and comfort.

the Florida legislature still has an opportunity to come to the aid of Terri Schiavo:

A relief bill was blocked by the state Senate, and at least six Republicans voted against it. Here's a link with the information on the senators who have voted against the measure that would protect Terri. Please contact them, but do so in a responsible way. Heated rhetoric just pushes some people further into their own opinion.

We need EVERYONE READING THIS to call the following Florida state Senators ASAP, and ask them to do one simple thing:


TAKE ACTION: Call these ten Senators:

Larcenia J. Bullard 850-487-5127
Walter Campbell, Jr. 850-487-5094
J.D. Alexander 850-487-5044
Nancy Argenziano 850-487-5017
Paula Dockery 850-487-5040
Lisa Carlton 850-487-5081
Evelyn J. Lynn 850-487-5033
Burt L. Saunders 850-487-5124
Michael Bennett 850-487-5078
Dennis Jones 850-487-5065

See BlogsforTerri for the latest news on Terri.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Archbishop Flynn to lead prayer vigil!

Archbishop Harry Flynn of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Archdiocese to lead Prayer Vigil for Terri Schiavo Tuesday evening!! Please spread the word so that everyone in the Twin Cities area can come a pray for Terri!

Prayer Vigil for Terri Schiavo
Led by Archbishop Harry Flynn
Tuesday, March 22nd
Cathedral of St. Paul
(239 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102)

With the Franciscan Brothers of Peace (the spiritual advisors of the Schindler family) and the prayer of the Divine Mercy chaplet, along with a Liturgy of the Word with homily by Archbishop Flynn.

All are welcome to join us to pray for Terri and the cause of life!

Watching, waiting, hoping and praying

The world watches... and Terri continues to survive without water or food. The Franciscan brothers report that her parents were able to visit her early Monday morning, and that at that time she was still doing ok, all things considered, but that she was weakened, particularly from an ongoing low-grade fever that has been coming and going all weekend - probably from the feeding tube being improperly removed. :(

"I thirst" said our Lord from His cross -- and so does a young woman down in Florida this night.

Keep praying for a miracle from God, may Archbishop Fulton Sheen plead to the Father on her behalf!

If you are in the Twin Cities area, please come to the Terri Schiavo Prayer Vigil Tuesday night at the Cathedral at 7:00pm -- Archbiship Harry Flynn will lead the vigil!!

Yahoo! News - Fate of Terri Schiavo Rests With Judge

Terri's Bill passed, signed into law at 1:11am

Text of the new law at: Terri Schiavo Bill

Story at FOX News: President Bush Signs Schiavo Legislation

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A long night begins...

Tonight, at a little past midnight, the bill that could save Terri's life will hopefully pass the US House, and be signed shortly thereafter by President Bush. Soon thereafter, a randomly-selected federal judge will get the case, and will hopefully decide to hear it. Once that happens, motions are already ready to be submitted by the Schindlers' attorney for the re-insertion of Terri's feeding tube.

Per Brother Anthony, "Terri could be fed as soon as mid-morning" Monday...

As we begin this long night, continue to pray for LIFE!!

FOXNews.com - Politics - Congress Convenes for Terri Schiavo

Impeach Judge George W. Greer of Florida's Sixth Judicial Circuit Petition

Please take a moment to sign this petition. No single person, even a judge, should have the authority to single out an innocent human being to be put to death!

This like also provides you with a nice list of all the injustices Judge Greer has done throughout "his" trial of Terri Schiavo.

Impeach Judge George W. Greer of Florida's Sixth Judicial Circuit Petition

Saturday, March 19, 2005

...what the cardinals believe...

Ever want to know what "your" Cardinal really is like? Is he a CINO or a Catholic? Does he believe in the Resurrection or the lay insurrection?

Well, this site might help you get a start anyway... It's a fun new resource, kind of like the Episcopal Spine Alert blog, that attempts to track the reports of the world's Catholic Cardinals in the media.

Danger: since the site seems to use primarily meida reports, and the media is, shall we say, slightly ignorant of true Catholicism, take this with a grain of salt.

What the cardinals believe

In other news... Pope's letter to priests this year

Our Holy Father's newly released annual letter to priests was written from the hospital (dated March 13th), but is characteristically poetic and profound.

I will take as my inspiration the words of Eucharistic consecration, which we say every day in persona Christi in order to make present on our altars the sacrifice made once and for all on Calvary. These words provide us with illuminating insights for priestly spirituality: if the whole Church draws life from the Eucharist, all the more then must the life of a priest be "shaped" by the Eucharist. So for us, the words of institution must be more than a formula of consecration: they must be a "formula of life".

A "formula of life." That is the call our Holy Father makes this year in his annual letter to priests. In this beautiful letter, JPII reminds his priests of the primary reason they exist as priests -- to bring Our Lord to His people, as He commanded at the Last Supper. The Eucharist, and thus the proper celebration of the Eucharist, is essential to the priesthood.

It is interesting to note the following, which seems to be an indirect response to the claims of many radical traditionalists ("Proud to be More Catholic Than the Pope For Over 40 Years") that the "Novos Ordo" (current Mass in English) is invalid, becuase of the translation of the Latin into "all" instead of "many" :

4. "Hoc est enim corpus meum quod pro vobis tradetur." The body and the blood of Christ are given for the salvation of man, of the whole man and of all men. This salvation is integral and at the same time universal, because no one, unless he freely chooses, is excluded from the saving power of Christ's blood: "qui pro vobis et pro multis effundetur". It is a sacrifice offered for "many'', as the Biblical text says (Mk 14:24; Mt 26:28; cf. Is 53:11-12); this typical Semitic expression refers to the multitude who are saved by Christ, the one Redeemer, yet at the same time it implies the totality of human beings to whom salvation is offered: the Lord's blood is "shed for you and for all", as some translations legitimately make explicit. Christ's flesh is truly given "for the life of the world" (Jn 6:51; cf. 1 Jn 2:2).

On Eucharistic devotion and the guardianship of priests:

We priests are the celebrants, but also the guardians of this most sacred mystery. It is our relationship to the Eucharist that most clearly challenges us to lead a "sacred'' life. This must shine forth from our whole way of being, but above all from the way we celebrate. Let us sit at the school of the saints! The Year of the Eucharist invites us to rediscover those saints who were vigorous proponents of Eucharistic devotion (cf. Mane Nobiscum Domine, 31). Many beatified and canonized priests have given exemplary testimony in this regard, enkindling fervour among the faithful present at their celebrations of Mass. Many of them were known for their prolonged Eucharistic adoration. To place ourselves before Jesus in the Eucharist, to take advantage of our ``moments of solitude'' and to fill them with this Presence, is to enliven our consecration by our personal relationship with Christ, from whom our life derives its joy and its meaning.

On vocations:

Particularly in the context of the new evangelization, the people have a right to turn to priests in the hope of "seeing'' Christ in them (cf. Jn 12:21). The young feel the need for this especially; Christ continues to call them, to make them his friends and to challenge some to give themselves completely for the sake of the Kingdom. Vocations will certainly not be lacking if our manner of life is truly priestly, if we become more holy, more joyful, more impassioned in the exercise of our ministry. A priest "won'' by Christ (cf. Phil 3:12) more easily "wins" others, so that they too decide to set out on the same adventure.

On Mary:

In the Encyclical on the Eucharist I then spoke of her as the "Woman of the Eucharist" (cf. No. 53). Who more than Mary can help us taste the greatness of the Eucharistic mystery? She more than anyone can teach us how to celebrate the sacred mysteries with due fervour and to commune with her Son, hidden in the Eucharist. I pray to her, then, for all of you, and I entrust to her especially the elderly, the sick, and those in difficulty. This Easter, in the Year of the Eucharist, I gladly repeat to each of you the gentle and consoling words of Jesus: "Behold your Mother" (Jn 19:27).

Full text: Letter to Priests 2005

Zenit: Pope Appeals to Priests to Respect Liturgy

Twin Cities - Prayer Vigil for Terri

Prayer Vigil for Terri Schiavo
This Tuesday, March 22nd
Cathedral of St. Paul
(239 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102)

Everyone is invited to come to a special evening of prayer for Terri Schiavo and her family, and for a greater respect for all human life happening this Tuesday evening, beginning at 7:00pm, at the Cathedral of St. Paul.

The Franciscan Brothers of Peace, and others, will be on hand to lead us in prayer and reflection on the situation going on in Florida from a Christian perspective, on the life of Terri Schiavo and the critical need for our prayers and ongoing support.

For more information about Terri Schiavo and her urgent need for our prayers, please visit http://www.terrisfight.org/

All are welcome, please come with your family and friends, and pray for life with us!

Held in cooperation with the Archdiocesen Office of Family, Laity, Youth and Young Adults, the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, and the Cathedral of St. Paul

Fresh hope -- compromise legislation this weekend to save Terri!

The next legislative step... for once it seems our national congressional leaders are actually working for their paychecks. I for one am in favor of seeing our courts reined in by our elected leaders -- one judge should not have that much power over an innocent person's life!

"We think we have found a solution" to the Terri Schiavo case, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (search), R-Texas, said at a Capitol Hill (search) news conference.

"We are confident this compromise addresses everyone's concerns, we are confident it will provide Mrs. Schiavo a clear and appropriate avenue for appeal in federal court, and most importantly, we are confident this compromise will restore nutrition and hydration to Mrs. Schiavo as long as that appeal endures," he said.

Final approval was hoped for Sunday when the House planned to meet in a special session, he said. The Senate intended to meet Saturday evening on the matter.

Fox News: Congress Pushes for Federal Review of Schiavo

Video: Delay- bill will "restore nutrition & hydration"

COME TO FLORIDA says Brothers of Peace

Brother Anthony just called me, he wants me to spread the word, the situation down in Florida is becoming desperate, they are running out of options. The Franciscan Brothers of Peace and BlogsforTerri.org are calling everyone who can possibly come to Flordia to please COME as soon as possible, buses, carpools, plane whatever.

He reports that there are few pro-life protesters there currently, many of them from outside of Florida, and there are almost as many pro-death protesters as there are pro-lifers. Br. says that Florida seems to have become numb to Terri, that there are very few locals who are there. THOSE OF YOU IN FLORIDA -- PLEASE GO!!

Logistically, it may be challanging -- it is spring break, and hotels are scarce. Br. suggests calling the churches in the area and asking for housing, another option is to simply go to the hospice, and there are local people who are at the site who may be able to host you.

I'm sorry, and Br. is sorry, that we don't have any better information for you, or resources to call, but please, particularly those of you in the SE United States, if you can get to the hospice, you will be taken care of, God will provide!

Please, go to Florida, or if you are not able to go to Florida, please talk to your pastors, plan a rally, plan a prayer service. Plan something that will show our outrage over this judicial murder!

If you go, the brothers ask that you bring PEACEFUL signs of pro-life messages, and come peacefully. We need to make a good impression on Congress, and encourage them to keep fighting for Terri's life.

Friday, March 18, 2005


From blogsforterri.com

March 18, 2005
Tube is out: Michaels common law wife says he is very distraught - poor Michael
Jodie Centonze, according to Bay News 9, informed the media that Terri's tube has been removed. Centonze is Michael Schiavo's fiancé. The Schindler family was forced to leave when this took place.

According to Michael's fiancé, he is very distraught.


Posted by richard at 03:04 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

Terri told what is happening: Terri cried
Federal representatives served subpoenas on the Hospice house earlier today, citing intent to have Terri Schiavo appear before Congress on March 28, 2005. Judge Greer has ordered that the subpoenas wouldn't be entertained and that Terri's feeding tube would be IMMEDIATELY removed.

It is unclear if this has happened yet or not.

Attorney Barbara Weller was with Terri earlier today. She told the media that, during her visit with Terri, she explained to her what was happening. According to Weller, Terri began to cry and could not be quieted. She tried to coach Terri to say "Let me live" but she simply was having too much difficulty.

Congress is reported by local news to still hold be holding hearings on this matter. It is unclear at this stage who will win this tug of war - the United States or a probate judge from Clearwater. All that is known is that an innocent life is in the balance.

If you can be at Hospice, now is the time.

DeLay - "an act of barbarism"

FOXNews.com - Politics - Judge: Schiavo's Feeding Tube Can Be Removed:

"An 'Act of Barbarism'
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (search), R-Texas, House Whip Roy Blunt (search), R-Mo., and other lawmakers on Friday held a press conference urging the court to modify its ruling so the Schiavos and others could appear before the committee.

Saying removal of the tube would be 'an act of barbarism' that must be prevented, DeLay blasted Sens. Barbara Boxer (search), D-Calif., Ron Wyden (search), D-Ore., and Carl Levin (search), D-Mich., who he said blocked Senate passage of the Protection of Incapacitated Persons Act (search) of 2005, a measure inspired by the Schiavo case.

'Those senators responsible for blocking our bill ... have put Miss Schiavo's life at risk,' DeLay said. 'We care about saving Terri Schiavo's life. The House bill will do that.'

He also said Schiavo was very much alive. 'She's not just barely alive, she's not being kept alive, she is alive as you and I, and as such, we have a moral obligation to protect and defend her from the fate premeditated by the Florida courts,' DeLay said. 'This is not over � we are still working.'"

Judge reinstates order to remove feeding tube!

WASHINGTON — A Florida judge reinstated an order to remove Terri Schiavo's (search) feeding tube Friday just less than one hour after the order was halted.

No further info right now --

FOXNews.com - Politics - Judge: Schiavo's Feeding Tube Can Be Removed

UPDATE: Good news for Terri -- Polilticians actually did something right for once!

The plan for subpeonas has been put in motion, and nearly everyone involved, including Terri herself, has been summoned to be witnesses to federal hearings regarding the care of

There is an iffy part though - when the subpeonas will be delivered, and what to do if the hospice and doctors refuse to recognize the subpeonas and go ahead anyway... the penalt for not recognizing subpoenas is "to be held in contempt of Congress" and there is no word on what actual consequences might be of this.

Key quotes:

Meanwhile, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (search), R-Tenn, on Friday said: "The Senate and the House remain dedicated to saving Terri Schiavo's life. While discussions over possible legislative remedies continue, the Senate and the House are taking action to keep her alive in the interim."

Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (search), R-Wyo. -- in an effort to bide time -- has requested the presence of Terri Schiavo and her husband for a March 28 hearing regarding health care provided to non-ambulatory patients. The point of calling the two as witnesses is that federal criminal law protects witnesses called before official congressional committee proceedings from anyone who may obstruct or impede a witness' attendance or testimony.

The law also protects a witness from anyone who — by threats, force, or by any threatening letter or communication — influences, obstructs, or impedes an inquiry or investigation by Congress.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Friday that President Bush "appreciates the actions of those in Congress who are working to defend life."

The effort by the House Government Reform Committee came after lawmakers in both Washington and Tallahassee failed in attempts to pass legislation to keep her husband, Michael Schiavo, from having the tube pulled despite heavy lobbying by Schiavo's parents.

"This inquiry should give hope to Terri, her parents and friends and the millions of people throughout the world who are praying for her safety," U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert (search), Majority Leader Tom DeLay and Government Reform chairman Tom Davis said in a joint statement. "This fight is not over."

The Government Reform Committee is the same committee that forced Major League Baseball players and officials to testify Thursday about steroid use.

It was not immediately known when the subpoenas would be delivered to Schiavo's hospice and doctors, or whether the Florida health care providers would recognize them. A possible penalty for not recognizing the subpoena is to be held in contempt of Congress, a GOP leadership aide said.

Whole article at Updated FOX News story

House to Issue Subpoenas in Schiavo Case

Praised be Jesus Christ, a ray of hope has appeared after midnight tonight, early Friday morning.

Thank God there were legislators who came up with this idea!

The United States House of Reps. "House Government Reform Committee" is planning to issue subpoenas for the hospice administrators and doctors, in an effort to "to allow Congress to fully understand the procedures and practices that are currently keeping her alive." It seems there will be a concurrent US Senate investigation as well.

"We've been going nonstop on this all day long," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Republican from Tennessee, said before the House announcement, which came after midnight. "Letters are being written and sent out. We're not giving up and we're not going to give up."

It was not immediately known what effect the subpoenas will have on Friday, when the court order to remove the feeding tube takes effect. "We feel that we're on comfortable ground given the federal government's interest in long-term care," Hastert spokesman Ron Bonjean said Friday morning.

Earlier, David Gibbs, attorney for Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, said that he would ask a federal judge in a habeas corpus filing Friday in Tampa to block the removal and review the actions of state courts. Such appeals are most commonly used in death penalty cases when legal appeals have been exhausted; they require the government to justify its actions.

"We are going to ask him to issue a stay because in this case, state action would be used to end the life of an innocent, disabled woman," Gibbs said.

The Florida attorney general's office usually defends the state against habeas filings. A call to the office late Thursday seeking comment was not immediately returned.

Complete FOX News article at: House to Issue Subpoenas in Schiavo Case

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Senate Dems holding up bill for Terri

The US Senate Deomcrats Reed and Reid are stallig the Bill for Terri, HR 1332... please pick up the phone and call the Democratic senators and implore them ato pass HR 1332 -- Call NOW --

*** There is only a two-hour window from this e-mail, it is being debated on the floor NOW ***

Reed, Jack - (D - RI) Class II
(202) 224-4642
Web Form: reed.senate.gov/form-opinion.htm

Reid, Harry - (D - NV) Class III
(202) 224-3542
Web Form: reid.senate.gov/email_form.cfm

See message below from Br. Anthony -- please pray for this during the 3:00 hour of mercy!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anthony"
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 15:00
Subject: Pro-Abort Dem. Senators

The latest we have going on is that there seems to be a number of pro-abort, Democratic U.S. Senators holding up the passage of the Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act. We need to get people to light up the Senate switchboards (people should check www.terrisfight.org for precise info. as to names, etc).

Br. Paul says this is the most urgent action item needed at this time.

Also 3:00 p.m. CST today there is THE MOST IMPORTANT MEETING AS OF YET taking place on Terri's behalf in Florida. I can't give exact details at this time, but please urge people to pray at this hour of Divine Mercy for Terri's protection and for her family.

Thanks so much and God bless you!

STOP the Judicial Murder
of Terri Schindler-Schiavo!
Call or email Gov. Bush: (850) 448-4441 . jeb.bush@myflorida.com
www.blogsforterri.com . www.terrisfight.org

Fla. House Passes Bill to Keep Schiavo Alive

Florida's house passes bill, now up to the Senate (and it is still unsure whether or not the law can apply to Terri's case, per Br. Anthony's recent information about judicial review. No mention of that is made in this article though)

FOXNews.com - Politics - Fla. House Passes Bill to Keep Schiavo Alive

A *cleft-lip* is a "risk of serious handicap?"

Oh what a slipperly slope we are falling down, and gaining momentum by the day... But, oh, it was done "in good faith" so it can't be all bad, can it? Too bad for Dr. Mengele that he didn't live in our era...he'd feel right at home.

The Guardian | Cleft lip abortion done 'in good faith'

Bad News from Florida...

Just got this from Br. Anthony of the Franciscans this morning:

Sent: 3/16/2005 22:52

Another turn of events - and this is the latest from Br. Paul. Please pass this along if you would be so kind - thank you.

The FL DCF has informed Bob and Mary this evening that THEY HAVE DECIDED, (WITHOUT AN INVESTIGATION!) THAT TERRI HAS NOT BEEN THE SUBJECT OF ABUSE and therefore they are NOT going to pursue protective custody for her.

Of course the family is absolutely devastated. How these pigs can get away with this we don't know, but it looks as though Bob and Mary are going to have to meet with Jeb Bush face to face to plead for his direct intervention.

Also, President Bush, with all his blather about a "culture of life" has done absolutely nothing to help Terri as of this writing.

It is clear that a true miracle will be needed to save poor Terri and others like her.

Terri's attorneys are urging everyone now to flood the Governor's switchboard - begging for an executive order of protection and if worse comes to worse, CAPPING Terri's feeding tube instead of surgically removing it. This would make things much easier for Terri, and would prevent two surgeries from being needed if an 11th hour solution is found.

I'll see you in the morning - if I get any news I'll pass it along. Thanks for all you're doing to help Terri. May God have mercy on us.

-Br. Anthony

STOP the Judicial Murder
of Terri Schindler-Schiavo!
Call (850) 488-4855 and urge the FL Dept. of Children and Families
to place Terri in protective custody immediately!
www.blogsforterri.com . www.terrisfight.org
Gov. Bush: (850) 448-4441 . jeb.bush@myflorida.com

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

You gotta read this...

New article that goes in depth as to the history of the Terri Schiavo case, including quotations from Michael Schiavo's own court testimony saying that Terri is not vegetative!

Getting To The Facts Regarding Terri Schiavo

URGENT -- News from Florida

I just got off the phone with Br. Anthony of the Franciscan Brothers of Peace -- he brings word that the ONLY option that they can foresee as being able to save Terri from her death sentence tomorrow is to contact the Florida DCF now and urge them to take Terri into protective custody immediately.

This is in spite of the foreseeable success of the federal and state legislation that is currently being rushed through Congress -- because any legislation that passes, according to Br. Anthony, will not be able to be used in Terri's case until it has gone through a "judicial review." And guess which judge will be responsible for this judicial review? Of course, Judge Greer, the judge who has been solely responsible for the denial of every single appeal for Terri's life and dignity as a living human being.

Therefore, legislation alone will not save Terri, though it is good that it looks like the bills will be made into law by Congress and signed by the Bush brothers if they pass.

It is urgent that you contact the Florida DCF immediately, even if you have called before, to implore them to intervene in Terri's behalf.

Call them at 850-488-4855.

Florida bill on track to be passed in time

But of course the lawyer for Michael Schiavo has resorted to spluttering outrage at such arrogance on the part of lawmakers and those dreadful relgious fanatics -- he says, "The proposed legislation should be exposed for what it is, an attempt by opponents of medical freedom of choice to prevent Floridians from declining or ending artificial feeding. The fate of more than Mrs. Schiavo hangs in the balance."

Opponents of "medical freedom of choice" are trying to prevent others from being killed slowly by starvation? Damn straight we are.

I wonder how far Mr. Felos would get if he would have phrased his statement like this: "The proposed legislation should be exposed for what it is, an attempt by opponents of medical freedom of choice [for animals] to prevent Floridians from declining or ending artificial feeding of [dogs, owls, dolphins, squirrels, etc]."

Makes you wonder - where are the animal rights activists, the anti-death penalty activists, and women's rights groups now?

Bills that may save Schiavo on track as clock ticks

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Pope issues a reminder -- those aware of unconfessed mortal sin should not receive Holy Communion

Those in Mortal Sin Cannot Go to Communion, Says Pope

Our Holy Father, in a letter dated March 8th, reminds all Catholics of the deep relation between the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist - for one prepares us for the worthy partaking in the other.

Confession brings us back into full communion with God and His Church so that we may publicly proclaim our unity with God and neighbor by receiving Holy Communion - Holy Communion is, as part of its sacramental nature, a sign of the true unity we posses.

This is also why non-Catholics are asked not to receive Communion in a Catholic Church -- because Holy Communion does not cause unity, it demonostrates unity!!

Here is the text from the Zenit article:

In keeping with Church teaching, John Paul II issued a reminder that no one who is aware of being in a state of mortal sin can go to Communion.

The Pope confirmed the traditional teaching of the magisterium in a message published by the Holy See on Saturday. The message was addressed to young priests who attended a course last week on the "internal forum" -- questions of conscience -- organized by the tribunal of the Apostolic Penitentiary.

The Holy Father dedicated his letter, signed March 8 in the Gemelli Polyclinic where he was hospitalized, to the relationship that exists between the Eucharist and confession.

"We live in a society that seems frequently to have lost the sense of God and of sin," writes John Paul II. "In this context, therefore, Christ's invitation to conversion is that much more urgent, which implies the conscious confession of one's sins and the relative request for forgiveness and salvation.

"In the exercise of his ministry, the priest knows that he acts 'in the person of Christ and under the action of the Holy Spirit,' and for this reason he must nourish [Christ's] sentiments in his inner being, increase within himself the charity of Jesus, teacher and shepherd, physician of souls and bodies, spiritual guide, just and merciful judge."

The Pope continues: "In the tradition of the Church, sacramental reconciliation has always been considered in profound relationship with the banquet of the sacrifice of the Eucharist, memorial of our redemption.

"Already in the first Christian communities the need was felt to prepare oneself, with a worthy conduct of life, to celebrate the breaking of the Eucharistic bread, which is 'Communion' with the body and blood of the Lord and 'communion' ('koinonia') with believers who form only one body, as they are nourished with the same body of Christ."

Because of this, the Pontiff recalls St. Paul's warning to the Corinthians when he said: "Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 11:27).

"In the rite of the Holy Mass," notes the Pope, "many elements underline this exigency of purification and conversion: from the initial penitential act to the prayers for forgiveness; from the gesture of peace to the prayers that the priests and faithful recite before Communion."

"Only someone who is sincerely conscious of not having committed a mortal sin can receive the Body of Christ," states the papal message, recalling the doctrine of the Council of Trent. "And this continues to be the teaching of the Church also today."

The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains the difference between mortal and venial sin in Nos. 1854 to 1864.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Rome continues to speak for Terri's life, in spite of her own bishop's silence

Zenit is reporting on a statement made this past week on Vatican Radio by Bishop Sgreccia of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

It is striking that the Vatican seems to be stepping up to the plate to defend this woman, probably because her own bishop is doing almost nothing... pray hard for Bishop Lynch, as I cannot imagine what is driving that man to abandon this poor woman. Praise God that Rome is stepping up in his stead.

Article from Vatican Appeals for Terri Schiavo's Life

Bishop Sgreccia Warns of "Serious Consequences"

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 13, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Sidestepping its general rule to not intervene in specific cases, the Pontifical Academy for Life has appealed for American Terri Schiavo's life.

The brain-damaged Florida woman has been at the center of a long and bitter court battle between her parents, who want to keep her alive, and her husband, who wants to remove her feeding tube so she can die.

A court order requires removal of her feeding tube next Friday, which would deny the 41-year-old the basic nourishment she needs to live.

Bishop Elio Sgreccia, president of the Academy for Life, in explaining why the Holy See is speaking out in favor of Schiavo, said Saturday on Vatican Radio that her "case goes beyond the individual situation because of its exemplary character and the importance that the media have rightly attributed to it."

"Silence in this case might be interpreted as approval, with consequences that would go well beyond the specific case," he said.

The bishop explained that Schiavo is not in a genuine vegetative state, but rather she "seems to be in a sort of subliminal vegetative state, at the limit of consciousness, which might be described as 'minimum consciousness state.'"

"Unfortunately, official medical examinations and expert assessments were not carried out on the patient to clarify her precise neurological state," he said.

"No decision on the life of a person should be made legally without these assessments and, whenever necessary, one should also proceed to carry out cross-examinations by several experts," the prelate added.

"From all worthy accounts, Schiavo may be considered a living human person, deprived of full consciousness, whose juridical rights must be recognized, respected, and defended," the president of the pontifical academy said.

"The removal of the gastric feeding tube from this person, in these conditions, may be considered direct euthanasia," said the bishop.

Making the distinction between "ordinary" and "extraordinary" means to keep someone alive, Bishop Sgreccia said, "The gastric feeding tube cannot be regarded as an 'extraordinary' or as a therapeutic 'means.' It is an integral part of the modality in which Schiavo can be fed and hydrated."

"To prevent someone access to food and water, represents a way of killing that person," he said.

Regardless of secondary aspects of the case, Bishop Sgreccia says that he feels it to be the duty of his academy "to affirm that such a decision goes against Schiavo's rights as a person and, therefore, constitutes an abuse of the juridical authority."

"If such a decision was confirmed and leads to Terri Schiavo's death," he warned, "it would create a juridical precedent and would present euthanasia in reality as a right before the courts of the United States, with the serious consequences that can be easily imagined for the lives of many other more or less autonomous persons, in this country and elsewhere.

"For these reasons we regard as illicit the decision to remove the gastric feeding tube from Mrs. Terri Schiavo."

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Crafting beauty from the culture of death

Here is a very interesting article written by a Catholic movie reviewer about the impact that Mel's movie the Passion of the Christ has made on the culture. Some snippets:

In spite of the controversy and sometimes because of it, Americans flocked to the theaters a year ago. Few moviegoers left the theater unmoved. Many of them left in tears, convinced, like the poet Rilke upon viewing the archaic torso of Apollo, that the movie was viewing them, not vice versa, and that they must change their lives. At least a few of us— cannot think I was alone in this—Christian writers, artists, and filmmakers, left the theater convinced that we must change our art.

...Even after twelve months and a number of viewings, the sense of Passion's uncanny power lingers. I find myself using the word "strange' about it more and more often; "strange" as in the "arresting strangeness" Tolkien mentioned, in his landmark "On Faery Stories," as the hallmark of good fantasy; and "strange" as Harold Bloom uses the word in his magisterial survey of western literature, The Western Canon. Treating the question of what makes a work of literature "canonical," Bloom claims that, "The answer, more often than not, has turned out to be strangeness, a mode of originality that either cannot be assimilated, or that so assimilates us that we cease to see it as strange." I wasn't entirely sure what Tolkien and Bloom meant by their insistence upon the importance of the word; now, after Passion, I think I do.

...Like many an ahead-of-its-time movie that Hollywood didn't know what to do with, Passion is destined, I think, to enter the cinematic Canon. May it also serve as a wake-up call for Christian artists, who are struggling (often in isolation) to pursue a vocation in the contemporary swamp of the culture of death.

Read it at Wrestling with the Angel of Strangeness: The Passion One Year Later

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Oh. My. God.

This is why Terri's fight is so crucial to our fight for life. Do you want an American Holland where they do this to babies? (Thank God the child survived anyway, despite their worst intentions)

icWales - Mother's Day reminder of baby hell

Friday, March 11, 2005

Prayer for the intercession of Archbishop Sheen in Terri's fight

Franciscan Friars praying to Archbishop Sheen for miracle for Schiavo

Red alert - great news from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (Fr. Benedict Groeschel's order), they have begun prayng for the intercession of Archbishop Sheen (whose canonization cause Fr. Andrew Apostoli, one of the CFRs, is heading up) in Terri's case.

Please click the link above to read the story, and then join me in praying daily with them the prayer that they have publicized:

Eternal Father, You alone grant us every blessing in Heaven and on earth, through the redemptive mission of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and by the working of the Holy Spirit. If it be according to Your Will, glorify Your servant, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, by granting the favor I now request through his powerful intercession. Lord, grant that Terri Shiavo’s life be spared and grant her a healing that the world may know the value of every life.

USCCB releases statement on Terri Schiavo case

USCCB - (Office of Media Relations) - Cardinal Keeler Issues Statement on Florida Schiavo Case; Stresses Church Teaching on Feeding, Hydration

It's a start at least, though he certainly doesn't go as far as Cardinal Martino did (see Martino's passionate plea below).

Complete statement:

The case of Terri Schindler Schiavo in Florida has focused national attention on the plight of patients diagnosed as being in a “vegetative” state.
In a speech last year, Pope John Paul II affirmed the inherent dignity of every human being: “Even our brothers and sisters who find themselves in the clinical condition of a ‘vegetative state’,” he said, “retain their human dignity in all its fullness.” They are not “vegetables,” but fellow human beings in need of our love and care.

The Holy Father added that these patients have “the right to basic health care (nutrition, hydration, cleanliness, warmth, etc.).” He reminded us that providing water and food, even by artificial means, is “morally obligatory, insofar as and until it is seen to have attained its proper finality, which in the present case consists in providing nourishment to the patient and alleviation of his suffering.”

There are times when even such basic means may cease to be morally obligatory, because they have become useless or unduly burdensome for the patient. Deliberately to remove them in order to hasten a patient’s death, however, would be a form of euthanasia, which is gravely wrong.

I applaud the February 28 statement of the Catholic bishops of Florida, applying this teaching to the Schiavo case. The bishops reiterated their plea that Terri Schindler Schiavo “continue to receive all treatments and care that will be of benefit to her.” I join with them in praying that those who hold power over Terri Schindler Schiavo’s fate will see that she “continues to receive nourishment, comfort and loving care.”

Email us at commdept@usccb.org
Office of Media Relations | 3211 4th Street, N.E., Washington DC 20017-1194 | (202) 541-3000 © USCCB. All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

We'll give you money, if you'll give us Terri's life

Breaking news -- an anomyous donor has offered, through an attorney, to give Michael Schiavo $1,000,000.00 (yes. One million dollars) if he will release control of Terri to her parents.

If he does not accept this offer, all bets are off. He is then a man who simply wishes a woman to die, no matter what.

And this on top of the news that the judge on the case has not only denied the extension of a stay, but has ORDERED that Terri's feeding tube be removed next Friday, March 18th. A direct order by a judge to execute someone like a criminal, whose only crime is that she is alive.

This is a sad, sad day.

"This kind can only be taken care of by fasting and prayer"

Fast and pray, please.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Oh, now THIS is interesting...

An extensive year-long study in Great Britain has discovered that the decline in churchgoing is due to the people's complaints about "excessive liberalism and lack of conviction" in the church.

Here's some prime quotes:

The 42-page report is an indictment of modern preaching and worship, illustrating how excessive liberalism and lack of conviction are driving worshippers from the pews.

The report portrays a desire for sermons based on the Bible and traditional teaching, rather than on politics, social affairs or audience-pleasing stunts.

The report calls for better apologetics, or Christian teaching, and claims that many clergy are unable to mount a convincing argument in defence of Christianity and are not interested in trying.

The report blames the contemporary practice of teaching the universal nature of God’s love. Because people believe God will continue to love them no matter what they do, they no longer see any need to go to church to confess their sins or seek guidance on how to change their lives.

No duh. Take away sin and what the heck do we God or a church for? Those liberal clergy are "loving" themselves out of existence...

Read the whole thing at the Times Online, "Liberal and weak clergy blamed for empty pews"

The Vatican appeals for Terri's Life

Complete text of the Vatican statement recently released regarding the planned starvation of Flordia woman Terri Schiavo:

"The courts have ruled again and again. Unfortunately, the deadline for the removal of the tube delivering food and water to Terri Schiavo is quickly approaching. I am sorry to have to use the word "deadline" but this is the most accurate way to describe what will happen. Without the tube which is providing life-giving hydration and nutrition, Terri Schiavo will die. But it is not that simple. She will die a horrible and cruel death. She will not simply die, she will have death inflicted upon her over a number of terrible days, even weeks. How can anyone who claims to speak of the promotion and protection of human rights - of human life - remain silent? Is this not a question of the right to life? I believe that I must speak out about this in the same way that I would speak of the protection of the unborn and just as I would concerning any injustice.

Has due process in this case been truly served? Have all options been employed? Where is love? Where is human compassion? No one would ever wish to witness the suffering of another, especially a loved one. And I am sure that no one could ever choose to witness suffering or a cruel death being inflicted upon another, especially one who is loved. How then have we come to this point?

If it is true that the process has been fair and that all legal avenues have been exhausted, how is it that this woman, who has done nothing wrong, will suffer a fate which society would never tolerate in the case of a convicted murderer or anyone else convicted of the most horrendous crimes? Again, it is an issue of human rights. It is an issue of the right to life, and as I stated earlier, no one can be the arbiter of life except God himself!

The State of Florida has many laws on its books which protect animals, whether they be household pets, domesticated farm animals or animals destined for slaughter. (And please pardon me as I make this analogy. I am not comparing Terri to an animal. I only want to show the protection that the courts afford to animals in the State of Florida.) These laws "prohibit[s] anyone from intentionally committing an act to any animal which results in cruel death, or excessive or repeated infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering" (828.12). It is also unlawful to keep an animal in a place while failing to supply "a sufficient quantity of good and wholesome food and water" (828.13).

Are these laws not enforced by the same courts, are these not the same laws established by lawmakers in order to protect other creatures of God? However, in just a few days, [if her husband and the courts have their way,] this is exactly what will happen to Terri.

She will be completely deprived of water and food. She will have excessive suffering and pain inflicted upon her which will lead to her cruel death. Yet we have come to the point of asking whether due process been fully carried out and all options exhausted on behalf of Terri? This is unbelievable! Is it not sufficient enough to say that there are still questions that must be answered?

We plead, we make the urgent appeal for the life of a helpless human being... a person with whom we all share our God given human dignity. How can anyone say that her best interests have been taken into consideration?

In his Message for the Eleventh World Day of the Sick (11 February 2003) His Holiness Pope John Paul II stated: "And while palliative treatment in the final stage of life can be encouraged, avoiding a "treatment at all costs" mentality, it will never be permissible to resort to actions or omissions which by their nature or in the intention of the person acting are designed to bring about death."

Palliative care, by its definition is the alleviation of suffering and relieving pain. In the last stage of life, it is this care for which we all must hope because, if the feeding tube is removed and Terri is forced to die this slow, terrible, painful death, we must ask ourselves, "And who will be next?" Will this open the door for a state to decide whether this or that incapacitated person should die... not be allowed to die a dignified death but that they should have death inflicted upon them?

It must stop here and now. The courts, the judges and everyone involved with this must understand that all of the questions involved in the case of Terri Schiavo have not yet been answered. Society must realize that we can never inflict this sort of death on a human being, on any other creature, without each and every one of us and society as a whole suffering a terrible fate."

Signed 7 March 2005

+ Cardinal Renato Martino, President
The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
Vatican City

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Read it. 'Nuff said.

Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Remarks to City Club of Denver, March 1st, 2005

Canada: Catholic Mountie killer sign of the culture of death, says priest

Catholic priest urges parishioners to pray for Mountie killer Roszko

"The small-town priest urged people to honour the memory of the officers and pray for them and their families.

'Today we bow our heads before the sacrifice of the four who died in the line of service,' Bogdanowicz said.

He said abortion, euthanasia, violent video games and movies are symptomatic of a society that lionizes cruelty and has lost its way.

'With this general attitude toward human life, towards God, how can we hope for any respect for law and respect for representatives of the law?

'We are all victims of this tragedy.' "

Amen. May God have mercy on all involved, and may He bring comfort to those who remain... A very sad situation, but it is good to see more of the Canadian clergy coming to life and finding the courage to speak the truth.

Wanted: Great Homilies.

Don't quite remember what the homily was this past Sunday? Or maybe you're just thirsty for a good homily? Well, there's a great website out there for all who are looking for some good spiritual reading each week, Fr. Roger Landry's apostolate called CatholicPreaching.com. Orthodox, Biblical, and well-written, here's some good stuff for your Catholic brain to chew on!!

Who says the Archdiocesen newspaper doesn't have anything good in it?

Thanks for the head's up to the guys over at the Seventh Age blog, there was a great commentary in there on Friday from Dr. Christopher Thompson, one of our amazing University of St. Thomas Catholic Studies professors (Chair of the Department actually) on the meaning of the Holy Eucharist!

The article can be found on the Catholic Spirit's webpage at The Catholic Spirit - Letters to the Editor (about half-way down the page), but I have posted the full write-up below because the Catholic Spirit is notorious for removing website content (or relocating it "site" unseen...) and I don't want to lose this one!!

(Also, on the web page, keep reading below Dr. Thompson's column for an amazing pro-life witness testimony! Lots of good stuff in the Catholic Spirit this week I guess...)

Eucharist — personal and cosmic
By Christopher Thompson

The Holy Father has declared this year a Year of the Eucharist and has asked us to give deeper consideration of this gift and mystery in our lives. It is an invitation well worth accepting.

For many of us, the celebration of the Eucharist typically occupies our Sunday mornings and marks the beginning of our week as members of the living body of Christ. It orders our spiritual lives and provides the necessary means of communion and common worship among the people of God.

The Eucharist has both personal and universal dimensions. Beyond the present moment and present community, the Eucharist is a drama of “galactic” significance. It is a proclamation about all times and places, all gatherings and people.

In the Eucharst, the “divine strategy” for all of history is perfectly disclosed, and our personal role as living members of that plan is affirmed: We are to become living members of his body, to become one spirit in Christ, to become an everlasting gift to the Father.

The “galactic” significance of the Eucharist is affirmed in the various prayers of the Mass itself. The priest proclaims before God that, “From age to age you gather a people to yourself so that from east to west a perfect offering may be made to the glory of your name.”

In all periods of history, humans seek to restore the relationship between themselves and God. Every human heart has a desire for fulfillment and completion, for a relationship of meaning and significance, a spark of eternal longing to be reconciled with the creator. The Eucharist is the summit of man’s historical search for God; it proclaims the central mystery of that loving relationship: Jesus Christ.

Instituted by Christ, the most perfect gift of God, the Eucharist is the extension throughout history of that same gift.

There is, therefore, a kind of divine strategy to all of this: the desire for God, the coming of Christ, our eucharistic celebration, the church. It is a strategy to conquer the world through love, to redeem the world through the actions of Christ, “at whose command we celebrate this Eucharist.” As living members of his body, we now extend his presence throughout history and culture. Our actions become his deeds in the world. Our love becomes his presence.

Making a sacrifice to the divinity marks so many moments in the history of religious practice. In the eucharistic prayer, we recognize that the actions performed today are but one enactment of the larger drama of man’s continual attempt to get things right with God. “Look with favor on these offerings and accept them as once you accepted the gifts of your servant Abel, the sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith and the bread and wine offered by your priest Melchisedech.”

Yet the Eucharist is more than simply one more version of sacrifice. At Mass, the priest says, “As he offered his body on the cross, his perfect sacrifice fulfilled all others. As he gave himself into your hands for our salvation, he showed himself to be the priest, the altar and the lamb of sacrifice.”

In the Eucharist, the perfect sacrifice is made, the most complete thanksgiving is offered to the Father. While all of history is characterized by God’s grace and man’s response, the Eucharist is the fullest expression of that relationship of love.

But it is not merely on the historic scale that the Eucharist makes its mark. Unlike a historic event that is simply recalled and remembered, the Eucharist provides the occasion to enter person-ally into the dramatic significance of it all. As a living member of the body of Christ, as one who dwells in his Spirit given in baptism, I am intimately drawn into the drama of grace and redemption. I become a living member of this sacrifice of praise.

Living in his Spirit, baptized into his very life, you and I, together with him, now offer our own lives in our common sacrifice of praise. While Christ remains the eternal high priest and victim, we nonetheless share in his life — allowing us, then, to become united personally in his sacrifice. Together, with Christ, we are reconciled with God, and, as the priest says every week, are made “ready to greet him when he comes again.”

Christopher Thompson chairs the Catholic studies department at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.

"The man who should be Pope"

Yet more speculation out there regarding the meaning of the papacy and who's in the running, this time from the British Isles.

Just remember -- go into the conclave a pope, leave a cardinal!

The man who should be Pope

Always ready to give a reason for our hope

Catholic Church grows despite adversity

Here's a columnist (from Boston of all places!) who has some great insights on why the Catholic faithful, in spite of everything and of all the rebellious theologians, can be at peace in the Church. Check it out!

Observant Catholics held no such reservations. Their faith stands firmly on the belief that the church, through the fiercest storms it must confront, is guided by a divine force which guarantees that even the gates of hell cannot prevail against it over time.

...The longevity of John Paul II has resulted in like-minded bishops inclined to carry on in the same spirit and line of thought. New bishops are no longer willing to compromise impacts upon church doctrine. New bishops are determined to impose strict standards on clergy and runaway theologians infected by the liberal bug that has caused so much internal conflict.

Even Jesus had to contend with a traitor who would betray him. Catholics know that human frailty causes all of us to fall from grace, but that the abuse of children is one of the worse offenses against God and man. They carry on in faith assured that the overwhelming number of priests, brothers, and nuns, even given all the temptations of modern life, are good and holy people.

...The Archdiocese of Boston is only a relatively small part of the entire Roman Catholic church. The financial difficulties of the Archdiocese, one way or another, will eventually be overcome. A pastoral Archbishop will eventually bind some real wounds. Rome will eventually even get Boston's Jesuits back to basics.

To the chagrin of its enemies in the media and in other places, the Archdiocese and the Catholic church grows. Long after its adversaries are dead and buried, long after this inspiring pope eventually passes on, the destiny of the Catholic church is to survive and overcome.

Renewing Catholic stewardship in our consumer nation

Tithing may be Catholic schools salvation

It seems that the rumblings of a few months ago are right, Chicago is going to attempt to adopt Wichita's stewardship model, with emphasis on tithing and supporting the ministry of the Church as opposed to the modern "consumer complex" that most Catholics have these days as they throw another buck in the collection basket.

Cheers to them, and pray that this new approach may be successful, so that the purpose of Catholic education may once again be realized.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Things that make you go "huh?" -- "Medical treatment shouldn't be open to doctor's opinion"

I just got this over the e-mail wire, from a friend -- the latest on the "conscientious objector" lawsuit my pharmacist friend Neil is being forced to fight. Please pray for him, and for legislation that will allow all morally concerned pharmicists and medical personnel to refuse to act against morality without these legal battles!

State Reps to PEB: Noesen's conduct egregious, theft; call for suspension:

Reps. Kessler, Richards, Pocan, Sinicki: Letter to the Pharmacy Examining Board, Re: Neil Noesen. WisPolitics Website. Available at:
http://wispolitics.com/1006/Pharmacy_Examining_Board_final.pdf Accessibility verified March 5, 2005.

Statement by Gov. Doyle:

Doyle also weighed in on the controversy surrounding Neil Noesen, a pharmacist from northern Wisconsin who denied a UW-Stout student birth control at a Wal-Mart store and refused to transfer the prescription to a different vendor.

Some legislators are attempting to pass legislation that would allow health care providers to deny medication or treatments that conflict with their personal beliefs. Doyle promised such legislation would not get past his desk.

"It's unconscionable," Doyle said. "Medical treatment shouldn't be open to doctor's opinion. I would veto it."

I don't know about you, but I sure as heck want my medical treatment to be my doctor's opinion! If it's not my doctor's opinion, then who's opinion should it be? The opinion of some bozo in political office who doesn't know the difference between a mitochondrion and the medulla oblongata??? No thanks.

Fra Angelico's Annunciation